Data centers play a pivotal role in tackling critical challenges, from AI and data analysis to high-performance computing (HPC) and rendering. The integrated accelerated computing platform, spanning hardware and software, provides businesses with a blueprint for a resilient, secure infrastructure capable of handling diverse modern workloads seamlessly.
Industrial Applications use cases for AES-GCM 100G IP Core
Highly secure private Network
In the sphere of secure private network applications, AES-GCM emerges as a key player in IPSec/VPN encryption. It guarantees that data transmitted over the network is kept confidential and secure, thwarting unauthorized access and preserving data integrity. Particularly at a 100G data rate, unattainable by a Crypto Engine on a CPU, the AES-GCM 100G IP Core on an FPGA presents itself as the ideal solution.

Examples of DG’s IP Core Applications

Solution IP

Success Stories & Application Example
Key Factors
- Up to 6GB/s per SSD for real-time 8K/4K HD video playback for large screen video wall display
- High performance TCP/UDP multi-session data stream over multi-player network
- No CPU Intervention, Sustainable performance for real-time gaming application